Seminar 1.ALT Seafood- a sustainable food future?
The first seminar in this series that the Institute is co-producing with WorldFish. ALT seafood, plant-based, fermentation-derived and cell-based seafood, is emerging with potential to help meet the growing seafood demand, but has attracted a mixed reaction by a range of stakeholders.
WorldFish is a nonprofit research and innovation institution that conducts scientific research on aquatic food systems with transformational impact on human well-being and the environment. Its research data, evidence and insights shape better practices, policies and investment decisions for sustainable development in low- and middle-income countries.
As part of the preparatory work for the new aquatic foods program, WorldFish has conducted exploratory future-looking research on alternative seafood and its implications for food and nutrition security, livelihoods and the environment in Africa, Asia and the Pacific.
Aquatic foods are an integral part of the global food system that contribute significantly to food and nutrition security and livelihoods, particularly throughout low- and middle-income countries. The global supply of aquatic foods comes from capture fisheries and aquaculture, but there is concern about sustainability of the industry and its ability to meet future needs and demands.
WorldFish has identified priority research questions that need to be addressed to evaluate the alternative seafood sector and its potential implications, opportunities and challenges for food and nutrition security, livelihoods and the environment over the next decade in low- and middle-income countries.
Further information, see YouTube introduction to ALT Seafood from confirmed Panellist Carsten Krome, Hatch, and a WorldFish blog providing an overview of the recently published report on alternative seafood.